Monday, February 9, 2009

Florida Felons File: Shooting Decoys

© 2009 Albert A Rasch

I don't know... It seems that all the numbskulls have come to Florida lately.

This guy must be a real charmer.

Felon Coaches 13-year-old Girl to Shoot Decoy

February 9, 2009 - 7:13 AM
Wendy Victora
NWF Daily News

BAY COUNTY -- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officers watched as a truck stopped near a deer decoy and a 13-year-old girl took two shots at it, according to FWC's weekly report.

The girl was being coached on how to properly kill the deer by her mother's boyfriend, who is a convicted felon.

The mother was driving the car and illuminating the deer for her daughter and boyfriend.

They were cited for night hunting and road hunting.

I don't know who is more guilty here. The felon, for doing what he did, or the mother, for associating with a felon and allowing her daughter to commit a misdemeanor!

I hope they throw the book at the lot of them. Remember it is your wildlife as much as anyone else's! Report all poaching! It is thoughtless people like these criminals that give all sportsmen a black eye! In Florida you can call 1-888-404-3922 You may be eligible for a reward up to $1000.00!

Albert A Rasch
The Hunt Continues


Aaron said...

Talk about a couple of rejects, people like that give honest gun owners a bad name. I am sick of being compared to these kind pepole when non gun owners talk about gun owners

Rabid Outdoorsman said...

I weep for the future of our youth . . . hey on the bright side at least she wasn't at home on the Internet, glued to a TV or playing with her Nintendo Wii!

Rod McBellanic said...

Nothing surprises me anymore. But I think what we really want to know is did she make a good shot? She, unlike her mother and the ex-con can probably learn from the experience.

Anonymous said...

It is not just Florida I'm sorry to say. Up north here in Connecticut we have idiots like that running around as well. The problem is they are making it bad for all the law abiding people like us.

Deer Passion said...

Wow.. People like this numb my mind... It's sad, it's outrageous, and it's against human decency and commonsense... I'm just thankful they were caught and hopefully the cycle won't continue.

Albert A Rasch said...

I called the FWC to get more details, and they are putting me on their e-mail list to receive alerts. The crime is a first degree misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of 1 year and $1000.00. (It is rarely imposed.) But in this particular case, the charges will be: aiding and abetting the delinquency of a minor, one for each of the adults, and for the felon: the presence of the firearm ups the ante dramatically.

I'll be putting a post together on the penalties for poaching.
